Tuesday 23 January 2018

Bolivia - Sandwich de Chola

Happy New Year! To celebrate the start of 2018 here is a delicious recipe for a pulled pork sandwich from the South American country of Bolivia! 

Monday 25 September 2017

Bhutan - Ema Datshi

Situated up high in the Eastern Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan has a distinct way of looking at the world - favouring happiness and sustainability over material goods. This week I made Ema Datshi (Chilli Cheese Stew) which is a unique and interesting dish that reflects its nation’s rare outlook on life.

Saturday 5 August 2017

Benin - Lamb in Peanut Sauce (Mouton aux Arachides)

For the West African country of Benin, I cooked a delicious lamb in peanut sauce stew (Mouton aux Arachides).

Saturday 15 July 2017

Belize - Garnaches

On the northeast coast of Central America lies the small country of Belize. Belize is home to many diverse cultures, landscapes and animals. This week we enjoyed a popular Belizean street food, called Garnaches.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Belgium - Liege Waffles

Beer, fries, chocolate and waffles! What more could you ask for? Belgium is famous for them all. This week I enjoyed delicious Belgian Liege waffles and learnt about the historic tradition of cat throwing.

Monday 19 June 2017

Belarus - Pork Stew (Machanka) and Potato Pancakes (Draniki)

After hundreds of years of foreign control, from the Lithuanian Empire to the Soviet Union, the people of Belarus have made considerable efforts to preserve their unique and distinctive culture. This week I celebrated that culture by cooking Machanka (Pork Stew) with Draniki (Potato Pancakes).

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Barbados - Fried Fish with Peas n' Rice

Barbados is the land of the flying fish! They appear on their water, on their coins and on their plates. To celebrate the culture and cuisine of Barbados, this week I cooked fried fish with peas n’ rice.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Bangladesh - Potato Curry (Dum Aloo)

Home to the famous Bengal tiger and the world largest mangrove, Bangladesh is rich in diverse wildlife and interesting vegetation. In celebration of Bangladesh and its fascinating culture, this week I cooked a warm and filling potato curry (Dum Aloo).

Monday 1 May 2017

Bahrain - Shrimp Balls

Shrimp Balls!? Sounds crazy right? But this interesting dish, known as Chebeh Rubyan, is a classic in the Arab country of Bahrain.

Thursday 13 April 2017

The Bahamas - Fish Chowder with Johnny Cakes

From enchanting and mysterious underwater caves, to swimming pigs and pristine beaches, The Bahamas has a lot to offer. To celebrate the island culture of The Bahamas I made a wonderful Fish Chowder served with Johnny Cakes.